December Moon (The Raven Saga) Page 16
But his scent had disappeared. He had tossed the corpse and vanished.
Gabriel had known Jemima and so he approached the body to identify it. Although he was greeted by a bloody mess, the person's face was blood-free, pale and peaceful. Although she was pretty, she had dark shadows beneath her eyes and her cheeks were drawn in. It wasn't Jemima. Plus he noticed the girl's arms were covered in tattoos and Gabriel knew Jemima wasn't the type to have tattoos.
"Jemima is still out there somewhere and we've got to find her," said Lilly after she was told it wasn't her.
"But who was this girl?" asked December.
"Nobody recognises her... she's not from around here. Perhaps he took her from Tofino. Did you see on the news if there was anybody else missing after the attacks?" asked Rose.
After a moment's thought, Ruby piped up, "yes, there was actually. What was her name? Hmm. Samantha something or other, I think. A bit of a rebel, apparently, a drug addict."
"This must be her. I'll deal with the police. Moira, Emilie... I might need a bit of assistance?" the witches nodded and got up to follow Gabriel outside as the first local police car drove up the driveway, followed by the coroner.
"He's taunting us, you know. We have no choice now. We'll have to set up a trap... and the bait...? That'll be me then," said Lilly as she gripped Oliver's hand tightly.
"No," he said, "you can't."
"I have to, Oliver. It's the only way we can stop him."
"She's right, you know. As much as the idea makes me feel so physically sick, it is the only way," replied Rose sadly.
"And with all our help to protect you, I have to agree," said December nervously.
A couple of hours later a rough plan was finally in place.
But it involved the entire group travelling north up the mountains towards the Elders' caves. They agreed that the fight could not take place anywhere near the town. There had been so many deaths and too many questions had arisen around Tofino. They didn't want to bring the same problem to their own home town.
The journey would begin by boat. It was the same journey Lilly had taken months before when she had ended up in the hands of Vivian and Gabriel had sustained his injuries. The memories were unpleasant but the journey itself was breathtaking.
They knew that Duran's ultimate prize was Lilly and that he would also happily try and take out many of the group, some of whom he had fought before.
They knew he would follow them wherever they went. So at first light, they set off on a trip that they hoped would culminate with the capture, and ultimate death, of their enemy.
They were quite a big group of odd looking characters, vampires, a werewolf, witches, changelings, a halfling and a few ordinary people of the Tulugaq family. They would attract attention and so the witches cast a spell to allow them to travel without causing any undue attention to themselves.
As they all climbed into a multitude of boats on the water's edge, everyone was on full alert, keeping a look out for Duran or any of his vampire friends.
As they started the engines and began on their way, Lilly recalled the last time she had taken the same journey. It had been just her and her grandfather and she had enjoyed the start immensely. It had been a chance for them to bond, just the two of them.
As they passed island after island, she remembered what he had said about them being places to hide out. She eyed the greenery cautiously, telling December, who sat beside her, what might be hidden within.
Oliver looked more worried than she did, but he said nothing. He just continued to hold her hand tightly, as he had been doing since they had got back together in Tofino.
The group was eerily silent. All that could be heard was the gentle chug of the boats engines as they glided through the crystal clear water towards their destination.
Lilly's boat was up front where she sat with Oliver, December, Ben, Carmelo and Jo. There was a space for Sammy, who flew high overhead to keep an eye on things below.
A number of boats followed behind, carrying all of Lilly's family and friends, the visiting witches and members of the Elders and the final boat carried Ursula, Zoltan, Tabitha and a few of the stronger vampires that lived in the mountainous caverns with the Elders.
After a couple of hours, Sammy swooped down and very carefully landed in the boat, careful not to rock it too much in the water.
"We are being followed but they're keeping their distance," he said, breathlessly.
"How many?" asked Carmelo.
December gasped and turned to look behind.
"They're a long way off and it appears they want to keep it that way... at least for now," added Sammy.
"Would you mind going and telling Ursula?" he asked Sammy as he nodded and was careful to jump out of the boat into the air, flying gracefully towards the back of the group.
"There's more than I thought there would be," Jo said cautiously.
"Do you think they're new-borns?" asked Lilly as Carmelo shook his head. "No, Duran will have called upon his close allies."
"So vampires who are more like Dharma then?" she said, cringing at the thought.
He nodded, "but don't worry. This is our territory now. We've sent word to the other elders. Some of them are heading down the mountain, just in case. But you can do this, Lilly. Especially now we've got December's help, we'll get him," he smiled.
Later, when they reached the shore, all the boats were tied up and left behind while the group headed off on foot. The hike began. They walked through lush green forests of tall trees before the terrain began to change and the trees became scarce.
The group walked for hours before Gabriel pointed to a cave where they could all eat and rest for a while.
The cave was one Lilly knew only too well. It was the very same cave that Charlie (a man under a spell) had taken her to when he had kidnapped her and presented her to Vivian.
There was plenty of room for the entire group to fit into, yet the entrance was small enough to offer ample protection should the vampires decide to strike. The older and weaker of the group quickly had something to eat, before laying on the ground and taking a much needed sleep.
Zoltan, forever the warrior, wouldn't leave the entrance. He was ready and waiting for a battle.
"Zoltan, come and sit down for a while. You need to eat something," said Tabitha who was making herself comfortable on a bed of hay.
But he shook his head and said, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
Tabitha rolled her eyes, "You're so overly dramatic."
Moira and Ruby fussed over her daughter and Lilly as they prepared themselves for the trap that would soon be set.
After everybody had rested, they would leave the cave, leaving the two girls, and Tabitha, behind to attract Duran and his gang of killer vampires.
A protection spell similar to the one she had placed on Lilly in Tofino (minus the bubble) was being cast to try and keep the girls from harm. Whether December was Millicent reincarnated or not, she was still a novice witch - a fact that worried her mother incessantly.
All of the other witches sat with her to try and drum into her what she must and mustn't do, yet they were all in awe of the little red haired girl with the big blue eyes. They believed she had come back. They believed December Moon was the most powerful witch they'd known for a long, long time. The trouble was, December didn't believe it and until she did, her spells wouldn't last long enough to do much good.
They'd eaten, they'd rested and they'd waited for the attack but it hadn't come. Their own plan was now coming into action. Slowly, the large group began to disperse out of the cave, leaving three or four at a time. They wandered out chatting like any other day, drifting up the mountain and off into the distance.
The last to leave were Carmelo, Oliver, Ursula, Zoltan and Sammy. Before they walked away, Lilly rushed over to Oliver and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
"I can't believe we're just goi
ng to leave you like this. It's crazy," he said.
"Shhh" whispered Lilly, "vampires have incredible hearing. Please don't worry, Oliver, we'll be fine," she said unconvincingly, "Besides, this is the only way."
He didn't want to let her go and sure as hell didn't want to let her out of his sight, but he knew she was right. It was the only way. The only way to catch Duran was to lure the evil to them.
Letting her go, he walked backwards watching her, until he had no choice but to turn around and walk away with the others feeling totally helpless.
December, Tabitha and Lilly stood at the entrance to the cave watching their loved ones leave before heading back inside.
All the girls had to do was wait.
After a couple of hours of sitting inside, listening for the slightest noise outside, the girls began to think their plan wasn't going to work. There were no sounds coming from beyond the cave other than the soft cooing of an owl, the occasional squawk of a raven and the sounds of the wind softly blowing.
December shook her head and whispered, "I don't think they're coming for us."
Lilly nodded back, "they are, believe me, they're coming."
As if on cue, the raven squawked once again and they heard the flapping of wings as the bird took to flight.
"My, my, what have we here?" said a deep voice suddenly.
Before Lilly even had the chance to move her head to see who it belonged to, the person was inside the cave. He moved with lightning speed, his black leather trench coat flapping behind him.
"Three little girls in a cave. Whatever next?"
"Who are you?" said Tabitha as she stood quickly and defensively.
"Me? My name is Johann, little one. Who are you?" he laughed, appearing at her side in a flash, bearing bright white teeth in a cruel smile.
His long blond hair was tied at the nape of his neck and his blue eyes shone as he played, hopping from one location to the next. His laugh echoed throughout the cave.
Lilly and December barely moved.
"Now, now, Johann. Haven't I told you before about playing with your food," said a female voice as a stunning brunette waltzed in, followed by a third younger male.
"Don't be such a spoil sport Ellen. I'm just having a bit of fun."
Ellen walked over to Tabitha, who stood still, and sniffed her hair. Tabitha stepped back and tried to push the vampire aside. Ellen grabbed her by the arm and tightened her hold, almost breaking her skin. December winced on her behalf. The protection spell had been ineffective. It should have prevented the vampires from touching any of them, but there was Ellen holding Tabitha's arm tightly.
December suddenly remembered something her mother had told her once before, 'fear can upset the balance of magic'. She was terrified, so she silently tried to conquer the fear. It wasn't easy.
"Don't even try it. I could crush you like an egg," said Ellen as she squeezed her arm a little further.
Tabitha reacted with a hiss.
"Now, now pussy cat," said Johann as he stroked the back of her head. Tabitha closed her eyes in disgust.
"Leave her alone," said Lilly quietly, standing.
The younger male did nothing but watch as Ellen suddenly appeared at her side. She bent down and sniffed her face, closing her eyes with pleasure.
She opened her mouth and revealed a set of perfect fangs.
"Stop!" said a man's voice from the cave's entrance.
Ellen's eyes flew open and she instantly closed her mouth and stepped away from Lilly, bowing her head.
"That one... is mine," said Duran as he slowly walked inside, "what a lovely place you have here girls," with his eyebrows raised.
"A place you aren't welcome," said Tabitha with another hiss.
"I'm not welcome in a lot of places. It doesn't stop me from entering. Contrary to popular belief, I don't need an invitation. Now, tell me... where have all your friends gone?" he said with what appeared to be a kind smile.
"Away from you, you murdering pig!" yelled Tabitha as Duran merely shook his head and smiled at her. The smile, however, did not reach his eyes.
"Well, that's a little rude isn't it?" said Ellen as she sidled up to her once again and began to stroke her head.
"Get away from me, you tramp."
Duran raised his eyebrows once again and his head fell back as he laughed.
"That's one you haven't been called before, Ellen."
Ellen scowled and revealed her fangs yet again.
Duran ignored her and approached Lilly. She could smell blood and knew he'd recently fed. Was it Jemima? She shuddered as he stepped close enough to smell her hair.
She closed her eyes momentarily in disgust thinking about her poor school mate. December continued to watch the scene unfold in silence, trying to re-do the spell that had previously failed.
"Your friends may have gone to get away from us but I'm pretty sure that they've walked straight into our dear friends. There were, let's see," he said as he counted on his hands, "nine of them. Nine vampires. Nine strong vampires," he laughed.
Lilly and Tabitha shared an alarmed look.
"Yes, yes, there is every reason to look alarmed my dears, because it seems that nobody will be coming to your rescue now."
"What have you done with Jemima?" asked Lilly, as she stood up straight.
"Jemima? Now who might that be?"
"The girl you took from her car."
"Oh, the lovely high school student. A popular girl, I might add. Ooh and so tasty," he replied, licking his lips.
Lilly's heart beat increased, "Is she dead? Did you... kill her?" she asked.
A smile crossed his lips as he turned to look down into her eyes. He pushed her hair off her face as she cringed. Then he shook his head and laughed.
"That depends on what you mean by 'dead' my dear."
The others sniggered behind him and Lilly realised Jemima was no longer human. He'd turned her.
"Where is she?"
Again, the evil smile flashed across his lips. "She is in a secure location, if that's what you mean. Such a pretty girl, not one to waste. She will join us... when her thirst has decreased... a little."
The younger vampire, who had yet to move or speak, shuffled his feet. December thought he looked different from the others. His pale face, which looked innocent somehow, showed an expression of fear.
December continued to watch him as he stood quietly.
"Christoff, why the long face? You shall be dining well this evening," laughed Johann as he rushed to his side and ruffled his hair. For a split second, December noticed the sudden appearance of his fangs and his eyes turned from green to red. He clearly disliked Johann, which, December thought, could be to their advantage.
Johann merely gave the boy a slight push as he laughed at him.
His shoulder length brown hair fell forward across his face and he lifted his hand to push it back. As he did so, he looked directly at December and she could have sworn he had pleaded with her. He hadn't spoken or whispered a word, but it was all in his eyes.
Christoff may have been part of Duran's little gang, but it was not where he wanted to be. That was clear.
Lilly was worrying about her friends and family. Had they been set upon by the nine remaining vampires? Were they hurt? Were they even alive? And Jemima? She was clearly now a vampire but where was she being hidden?
Suddenly, she heard the words, 'we must change our plan. We must attack.' It was December's voice but the words were placed in Lilly's head. December had not uttered a word.
'It's too dangerous,' came Tabitha's response.
Although December's protection spell had somehow gone amiss, she was able to cast a spell to enable them to communicate without the vampires knowing.
'I believe the boy, Christoff, is with us. He is pleading with me for help. I can see it in his eyes. So that leaves us to combat Ellen, Johann and... Duran,' replied December.
Lilly glanced across at the boy and noticed, just for a split second, the s
ame look. December was right. Christoff was only with Duran to survive, but he would change sides instantly.
'But how? How do we take them down?' asked Tabitha.
'I'm afraid my protection spell isn't working, Ellen was able to touch Tabitha. That wasn't supposed to happen.'
'Don't worry, December. Just keep trying. I know you can do it,' Lilly communicated, 'we trust you. What's the plan?'
The vampires continued to toy with the three girls, unaware of their ability to communicate and of their impending attack.
'You two can fight them, but you must change. You are at your strongest in feline form and I'll use my magic to do anything I can to help. It's our only hope if... if the others aren't coming back,' instructed December.
'She's right, Tabitha. We need to change when they get close. You need to do it fast this time though. If you take too long, they will kill you.'
Tabitha turned to look at Lilly. Her eyes glazed over just for a second and she did one little nod.
"Come on Duran, must we wait much longer? We are feeling somewhat peckish," said Johann as he stood behind December and gently touched her hair.
"Yes, I'm famished," said Ellen who had positioned herself in front of Tabitha with a wide smile, fangs at the ready.
Duran looked at the group and let out a hearty laugh. He waved his hands at them, to suggest they could do whatever they wanted to do, before he turned to find himself a seat from which to enjoy the 'show'.
The second his back was turned, Lilly jumped up and transformed from the slight pale girl with the bobbed black hair into the black mountain lion.
At the exact same time, Tabitha crouched down and began her own change. Relaxing her muscles as best she could, she was, within seconds, a vision in white.
A gasp came from Christoff's lips as the vampires suddenly began to move as fast as light around the cave, but Ellen wasn't quite quick enough and Tabitha was on her back, tearing at her skin, ripping the flesh from her bones. Seconds later, there was a cracking sound as Tabitha's teeth broke the neck of the female vampire, who fell with a thud to the ground.
December rushed over, taking the wooden stake that had been hidden under her long sleeve and plunged it deep into Ellen's heart.