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December Moon (The Raven Saga) Page 18
December Moon (The Raven Saga) Read online
Page 18
But he shook his head, "No Lilly. Go. Get out as fast as you can. The cave will completely collapse any moment. You must get out alive. For December, for Rose, for your father..." Walter said before he collapsed on the floor on top of Duran's dust.
"No, I won't leave you here," she said to his unconscious body as she grabbed him, using all the strength she had left to lift him into the bubble.
They hovered, dropping down to the ground, but the bubble remained intact. They turned and Lilly tried to envisage the way out, but it all looked the same. Not knowing if she was taking the right route, they half floated, half bobbed against the ground along a makeshift pathway she hoped would lead them to safety, all the while thinking about her father.
Oliver sweated profusely as he carried rock after rock away from the cave's entrance, aided by Christoff.
December watched him. She wanted to help but she had to concentrate hard on the bubble inside the cave. If her concentration waned for just a second, it could mean instant death for Lilly, although she didn't even know if it was working.
She couldn't even break her concentration to try to communicate with her best friend.
Oliver hadn't said a word. Tabitha had tried to find out about the others, but he was far too focused on trying to get into the cave.
Soon though, voices could be heard and Tabitha tried to stand up to see what was going on, but she was weak.
Around the corner came Carmelo leading a small group. Zoltan rushed forward to Tabitha when he saw what had happened.
"Zoltan!" she yelled with relief, hugging him tight and kissing him hard on the lips.
"Lilly is inside, December's concentrating on a protection spell so whatever you do don't interrupt her. She went in to kill Duran with a stake and the silver. My grandfather came and rescued us but he and Duran were fighting. It caused everything to collapse. You've got to do something. We don't even know if anyone is still alive!" she said to them without taking a breath, and then continued, "oh and this is Christoff... he was being kept by Duran but he is one of us now."
Suddenly there was an almighty crash as more of the mountain came crashing down on top of the cave.
Everybody went silent.
"Lilly," sobbed Oliver as Carmelo approached him and placed a hand on his back. Everybody was silent as it dawned on them that they might have lost her. Then suddenly, a voice could be heard.
"She's still alive!" yelled a voice from the distance. "She's alive... and so is Walter... albeit barely. Keep digging."
It was Ruby, drifting down the mountain, followed by Moira who was limping slightly, looking a little bedraggled.
The group descended on the fallen rocks and formed a line, Oliver at the front with Carmelo, lifting the rocks and handing them along.
Moira rushed to her daughter's side but December didn't even look at her. Her eyes were so full of concentration that Moira sat beside her and joined her. Together, the protection bubble would be stronger.
Moira swore she saw December's lips lift a little at the sides as she began to utter the same words over and over.
A couple of hours later and the entrance to the cave was almost clear. With the last boulder larger than the rest, they all grouped together to push it aside.
A gap just big enough for one person to squeeze through presented itself.
Without saying a word, Oliver pushed himself through.
"Oliver... here," said Zoltan, who handed him a lighter before he disappeared.
Flicking the lighter on, Oliver searched what was once a wide open cave. Huge boulders and rocks scattered the ground. He had to duck, to avoid hitting his head on the lowered ceiling.
"Lilly?" he whispered, careful not to cause too much noise.
He listened intently but there was nothing but silence.
He followed the only path free of rocks and continued to whisper her name.
Listening carefully, he thought he heard a gentle cough.
"Lilly?" he said, increasing his pace.
"Oliver?" said the quiet voice of his girlfriend.
"Yes!" he smiled, "Where are you?"
"Over here, but be careful. We're trapped."
Oliver followed the sounds of her voice until he found her. She was encased in a large bubble with an unconscious man to her side. A huge boulder rested precariously on top of them. December's spell was keeping them from being crushed. If she moved forward, the boulder would undoubtedly fall and she was unsure if the protection spell was strong enough to protect them from something so huge and heavy.
"Lilly... I'm so relieved to have found you. I thought you were dead," he said, trying to keep the tears from his eyes.
"And I thought you were dead too. Those other vampires..."
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm all right. But we need to get you out of here. Will the bubble stay if you move?" he asked, desperately just wanting to hold her in his arms.
She shook her head, "you need to go back out and tell December what's happening. We need this bubble to stay put so we can move. It's the only way."
"No, I don't want to leave you."
She nodded at him and smiled, "Oliver, you must. We'll be okay. Just go. Come back only when she's ready, and be careful."
She managed to push her own hand out of the bubble. He squeezed it and held it to his lips.
"Okay. I'll be right back."
He turned and stumbled out as fast as he could, smaller rocks and dust, falling behind him.
As he found his way back to the only visible exit, he fell out into the moonlit night and dusted himself down as he explained the situation.
December and Moira were sitting in the exact same position as when he'd left, in a trance, keeping the protective bubble active.
"We're going to need the help of some of the other witches," said Ruby, "there's no way we can interrupt my two girls now. If they become distracted, the bubble might burst."
Carmelo took charge immediately, "Zoltan, we need you to run back to the others and bring the witches to us. Bring Kyran. As fast as you can."
Zoltan immediately leapt to his feet and changed into a huge wolf before their very eyes, his clothes ripping off his body and falling to the ground as if in slow motion. He bounded off into the distance without a single word.
As they waited, Tabitha gingerly asked Carmelo what had happened with the nine other vampires.
He looked down towards the ground before looking back up at her with glazed eyes. "Dead, they're all dead," he nodded.
"But there's something else, isn't there? What aren't you telling me?"
"It was a trap. All that time we thought we were setting our own trap, when in fact it was the other way round. They were waiting for us. Sadly the battle culminated in some casualties, some of our own were killed and many were injured. They've all been taken back to our caves to be healed."
Tabitha struggled to climb to her feet as she hobbled towards him, "And Rose? Is Rose all right?"
Carmelo took her hand in his, "She was injured... but she's a fighter that woman, I think she'll be all right."
Tabitha let out a deep sob as Carmelo held her tight.
"Now, now, child, she will be fine."
"C..C..Carmelo... who was killed?" she asked tentatively.
"I'm afraid we lost two of our witches: Agnes and Filipe. One of the vampires that lived with us in the mountains also perished. His name was Edmond, but you did not know him. He was a fine man. He will be missed. And... we lost John, Meredith's husband," he said sadly.
Tabitha gasped and a tear slid down her cheek. She brushed it away with the back of her hand, "poor Meredith and the boys must be devastated."
He nodded slowly, "they are all with the other Elders, being comforted."
"And Jo and Gabriel?" she gasped.
With a smile, Carmelo nodded, "my wife-to-be was truly phenomenal and she survived without a scratch. She was able to protect Gabriel from harm. She is caring for the wounded now."<
br />
"Ben? Is Ben okay?"
"Ben is fine, he suffered some cuts and bruises, just as his brother did, but he fought like a true warrior. If I didn't know him, I'd say he was trained in the art of combat. He was incredible. Now, stop worrying about everyone else and focus on yourself. You are injured, Tabitha. You must rest."
Turning back to where she had been sitting with Christoff, Tabitha carefully lowered herself, back to the ground. Christoff's gentle hands helped her when she groaned in pain.
"I am truly sorry to hear of your friends deaths. I wish I could have warned you all about their intentions."
"If you had tried, Christoff, then you would have been killed and we wouldn't be alive right now. I am so grateful to you for that," she smiled.
A couple of hours passed before the smooth whooshing sound of gracefully flapping wings could be heard in the distance, just as Oliver climbed out of the cave's rough jagged entrance.
Looking skyward, he noticed Sammy approaching. In his arms was Emilie, the witch.
Running steadfastly behind and beneath them was Zoltan carrying something strange on his back.
As they drew closer, Oliver saw that the strange thing on his back was not a thing at all, but a miniature person.
Sammy arrived first, coming to a standstill just in front of the group. As he released his grip on Emilie who was smiling, she exclaimed "exhilarating, absolutely exhilarating!"
She awaited the arrival of Zoltan, who strode up just a minute later and stood in front of her while she released the harness which kept the little person from falling.
"Are you all right, Kyran?" she asked as she gently lifted the strange looking little man from his seat and placed him on the floor.
Rubbing his bottom, he responded in a high pitched yet warm voice, "Me backside is a leetle sore but de journey vas good. Now let me say hullo t'all these folks."
With a wiggle of his bottom, Kyran placed his long thin fingers on his long thin beard and pulled it gently, making sure he looked respectable.
"Ah am Kyran. Ah am half fairy, half wizard. Eet's good t'meet y'all." he nodded, while he walked around and shook the hands of those he had not met before.
Carmelo made the few introductions before the little man, dressed in dark brown corduroy trousers and a white T-shirt with a skull and cross bones flashed across the chest, eventually stood before December and Moira.
"Ah can feel it. Ah can feel the magic. Eet ess strong stuff thees magic. Aye, eet ees true. Millicent Roberts all right," he giggled to himself.
"Emilie, praps u shood stay ere for a moment? Ahm gonna go meet Lilly, check up on her y'know."
Emilie nodded and watched Kyran wiggle across to the cave towards Oliver, "Dont u worry, young man. Lilly ees gonna be fine. Now let me see her." Coming up to the top of Oliver's knees, Kyran gently pushed his legs aside and rushed inside the cave.
"Wait!" said Oliver, "Here, you'll need this," offering him the lighter.
Kyran merely smiled and shook his head. "No need," he whispered and turned back. Oliver watched as the little man suddenly began to glow as he walked easily through the makeshift pathways beneath the falling cave.
As Kyran followed his nose, he soon fell upon the girl and the vampire in the bubble. Their eyes were closed.
"Lilly, m'dear?" he said.
A little louder, "Lilly, m'dear.?"
"LILLY!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, which wasn't actually that loud considering his stature.
Lilly's eyes shot open and she looked upwards to find nothing in front of her.
"Ahm doon ere," Kyran said as her eyes turned downwards.
"Oh, sorry," she said sleepily.
"Yer avent got a lota oxygen in ere. Were gonna get yer oot. Ahm Kyran. Ahm alf fairy, alf wizard. Ahm gonna work with ur friends t'get yer oot, all right m'dear?"
Lilly smiled, even though she'd struggled with some of his words, she'd got the gist of it. He was here to help.
"Noow, ahm gonna go oot and you'll be oot in no time too. Worry not ma little un," he said as he turned away from her and rushed back the way he'd come and eventually, out into the fresh air.
Even though breathing was becoming a little difficult, Lilly couldn't help but smile at Kyran's words, calling her a little 'un when he was much, much smaller than her.
As she stood, leaning against the bubble, which itself leaned against the crumbling cave wall, Lilly felt her eyes grow heavy once again and so she let them close. Just for a moment, she thought.
The next thing she knew, she could hear a voice, a gentle soothing voice. A man's voice. It told her not to worry, that she was going to be okay.
Wake up though, Lilly. Don't let the weariness overcome you. You must stay awake.
"I am awake," she responded slowly.
No, Lilly, wake up. Please wake up. If you sleep now, you might not be able to wake up and we can't have that. You need to stay strong for the family. Wake up, Lilly, wake up.
The voice slowly faded as she opened her eyes, expecting to see the source of the soothing voice but there was nobody there.
Weariness was creeping in and all she wanted to do was sleep but she knew he was right. She needed to remain alert.
Forcing her eyes open, she looked down at Walter who was still unconscious, and wished for it all to be over soon. All she wanted was to be out in the fresh air in the arms of her loved ones.
Outside, Kyran and Amelie had sat down on the dirt with December and Moira. They had positioned themselves in a circle with Tabitha in the centre. She was the only link they had to Walter, should they need it.
Amelie began to recite the same words that December had begun hours earlier and was soon joined by Kyran who began to mumble words of a different nature.
After half an hour, Kyran opened his eyes and nodded to Oliver and Carmelo, their cue to venture back into the cave and to help Lilly try and make her way out of the bubble, out of that dark and dismal place.
Carmelo followed behind Oliver, who knew the way perfectly after tiptoeing in and out several times since his arrival.
As they approached, they heard Lilly's voice. It sounded as if she was talking to somebody.
Oliver quickened his pace.
"Lilly? Are you all right?" he asked as he pushed his hand carefully through the bubble to take hers in his.
"Hmmm?" she replied, "I was talking to him..."
Oliver and Carmelo looked down at Walter and saw that he continued to be unconscious.
"Not to him, to the other man. His voice was so soothing... he was helping me..."
"But there's no-o...."
Carmelo stopped Oliver from saying any more by touching his arm and shaking his head.
Oliver nodded, understanding he shouldn't mention that she was hallucinating. Instead, he smiled and told her it was time.
She looked up into his eyes and then across at Carmelo and she smiled back, a long sad smile.
"Kyran? He's a funny little man, isn't he?" she slurred.
"The lack of oxygen is getting to her. We need to get her out, fast."
"I'm feeling very, very sleepy."
"No, Lilly, you can't sleep now. Wait until we're out and then you can sleep as long as you want to," said Oliver, unsure what to do.
"Kyran said you should be able to step out of the bubble. With the four of them reciting the spell, it should hold, but we need to be as quick as possible," said Carmelo as he held out his hand to her.
"No, take Walter first," she said, trying to pull the heavy body of the vampire to her side. "He's so heavy."
Carmelo carefully pushed both of his arms into the bubble and grabbed Walter under his arms. Pulling, he managed to pull him out of the sphere.
"Oliver, can you drag him out to safety? I will help Lilly."
Oliver took hold of Walter's body and began dragging him backwards towards the exit, carefully dodging the bits of rock that
jutted out at all angles.
"Be careful," he said to Carmelo before he could no longer see them.
"Okay, Lilly, I want you to step out slowly. I understand that you're feeling weak. Just fall into my arms and I'll catch you, okay?"
She nodded and moved as slowly as possible. She very gingerly put one foot out of the bubble onto the stone-covered ground of the cave. She lost her balance and nearly toppled over. Carmelo lunged forward and took her in his arms. They were both half in, half out of the bubble.
Her eyes wide in terror, Lilly looked up at Carmelo, "I'm scared, Carmelo," she whispered.
"Do you trust December's magic, Lilly? And that of Kyran, Emilie and Moira?"
Without giving it a seconds thought, Lilly nodded. Carmelo nodded back and said, "On three then, okay.... one, two, three."
Carmelo pulled Lilly sideways out of the bubble. She gasped as he lifted her like a ragdoll and then ran as fast as he could. He could hear the sounds of falling debris behind them. The bubble had held but would probably implode any moment. Moving with lightning speed, Carmelo and Lilly just about made it to the cave's exit when a deafening sound like giant waves crashing on the shore followed behind them.
All too soon, the mountain side collapsed entirely on top of the caves, leaving nothing but boulders and rocks in its wake.
Oliver looked on in terror but just as he thought they hadn't made it, he heard coughing and spluttering as Carmelo appeared out of the clouds of dust carrying the young girl in his strong arms. The girl who had done everything possible to save them all from the clutches of Duran.
As Oliver ran towards them, Carmelo gently handing her over to him with a smile.
Lilly looked up into his eyes and smiled too as he gently wiped away the dust from her face, before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on her lips.
"We made it," she croaked and he laughed, nodding as he turned towards the group who were all waiting to congratulate her on her heroic efforts.
After a little rest, the group prepared to head back on up the mountain to the Elders' home where their family and friends eagerly awaited news of their fate.