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December Moon (The Raven Saga) Page 7

  She would have loved to have been able to confide in Ben about all this supernatural stuff... it would've certainly helped his work, but she had to keep her mouth shut. It was her biggest secret and she hated not being able to share it with her friends.

  Later that day as Ben closed up shop, his girlfriend Crystal arrived. She'd had to close up her hairdressing salon early.

  "No-one is in the mood to get their hair done," she said, "everyone's scared to death of this wild animal. People are trying to stay indoors."

  "Which is exactly what you should be doing," he scolded her as he planted a loving kiss on her lips, "I couldn't bear anything happening to you. Come on, get in the pick-up. We'll drop Lilly off before we head home," he said as he turned the key and locked the door to the practice.

  "No, there's no need, Ben. Tabitha is coming to pick me up. She'll be here any minute," lied Lilly.

  "We'll wait until she arrives then."

  "No... there really is no need. I'll be fine. I can't imagine that beast will be hanging around here. She'll be here any second. You two go. I'll be fine"

  Although Ben didn't want to leave her alone, he knew how stubborn she could be and so they said goodbye and he and Crystal drove off down the road towards his house at the other side of town.

  Ten minutes later, after Lilly decided it was safe to start walking, she hoisted her bag onto her back and began a slow jaunt home. She preferred to walk whenever she could. She loved the fresh air and the smell of the autumn leaves.

  Choosing a different route than usual, she headed towards the plot of land where she had broken her leg the year before. It belonged to her father. He had bought it intending to build a family home for his wife Serena and daughters Neleh and Lilly, before they had been murdered. But now the land had been left to become overgrown, the wood left to rot. To be forgotten until her father was hopefully found.

  It had been over a year since his disappearance. And Lilly had still not given up hope. She vowed she would never give up. She would find him.

  As she walked down that dirt track, she thought about the last time she had been there. She had inadvertently caused a large log to fall on top of her, trapping her beneath it while a storm brewed overheard. Falling unconscious, she had eventually woken up at the hospital. It was only later that she discovered she had been rescued by Sammy. He had risked his own skin to fly down and pick her up, carefully leaving her to be found by Ben outside his practice.

  She shuddered at the thought. Without his help, Lilly could easily have died. She owed him her life, yet he looked upon her as though she'd saved his. If it wasn't for Lilly, he would still be trapped in the forest, thought of as a murderer. When that couldn't have been further from the truth.

  Life had certainly changed for them both since then.

  Lilly eyed the rotting logs and stared up at the fluffy white clouds in the blue sky, oblivious to the fact that she wasn't alone. There were eyes upon her.

  She turned away from the logs and walked across the concrete base that had been created in readiness for the building of the house. Kneeling down, she stroked the dirty floor and wished that things could have been different.

  A chill ran across her back and so she fastened her jacket and stood up. She decided to walk home along the water's edge so she headed in the same direction she had come. Crossing the main road and down towards the shore of the Pacific Ocean. And still, she did not sense that she was being followed.

  It was one of her favourite spots. A handful of little beaches, scattered with huge pieces of driftwood. She climbed over one on to another and continued climbing until she reached the far side, where the little well-worn pathway led towards her aunt's house. She turned at a noise from the water, a plop, as a fish hopped out and back again. Turning back inland, she decided she would pop in to see if Rose had arrived back home yet.

  She was greeted by Rose's cat, Scully. Purring at first, the cat's back soon arched and a low snarl escaped its mouth. Sensing danger, Lilly turned to look. Although she could see nothing, that meant little. Her senses were suddenly on full alert and that's when she noticed a faint metallic odour, the smell of blood. She dodged out of sight as quickly as possible, before running as fast as she could into the relative safety of Rose's cottage.


  December gripped her mother's hand tightly as the two carefully descended the steep steps that led into the basement. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she shivered as goosebumps suddenly appeared on her arms and the back of her neck. She sensed that they weren't alone. Moira tightened her grip on her daughter in a gentle squeeze of reassurance and December relaxed.

  When they reached the bottom, Moira reached out and flicked a switch. The glow of an old fashioned lamp flickered on, revealing something rather unexpected.

  The room was painted entirely in purple - floors, ceiling and walls. There was a small single bed, also painted purple with purple sheets and pillows. An ornate wooden wardrobe stood to the side of the bed and guess what? It had also been painted purple. But in the middle of the room stood a tall thin white table, and on top of it sat an old large book surrounded by white candles. Although the book was open, every few seconds the pages would turn as if someone was flipping them over. Just as December had felt when they first walked down those stairs, she sensed that they were not alone. It was a sensation that would ordinarily frighten the life out of her, but somehow, in the comfort of her mother's home, it felt all right, somehow.

  Just as she was about to ask Moira about it, her mother turned to her and held a finger to her lips with a smile. December closed her mouth and waited. After a couple of seconds, she could hear whispers, they slowly became louder until she could understand the voices. The voices called out her name.

  "December... December

  Welcome home

  Daughter of Moira

  Grand-daughter of Ruby

  Descendant of Constance, Fidelia, Genevieve, Theodosia, Millicent...."

  And as quickly as the voices could be heard, they faded out to nothing.

  Wide-eyed, December turned in wonder, speechless.

  "They are the spirits of your ancestors. I can call upon them whenever I need them. But this time, they just wanted to welcome you home."

  Still speechless, December was in shock. Since the weird events in the gym, she hadn't experienced anything quite like it. The mysterious voice in Battersea Park aside, that is.

  Finally her vocal chords returned and December simply said, "thank you" to the empty room.

  Moira smiled and encouraged December to sit down while she re-counted the tale of her mother, Ruby.

  "Born to a great witch, my grandmother Constance, in 1949, Ruby was adored from day one. Her mother taught her everything she knew about the art from a very early age and then when she was older she was also encouraged to fit in with normal society. She went to college, studied to become a doctor and later got a job at a Massachusetts hospital, but she never stopped practising the art. Whenever she wasn't healing people, she was saving others from evil. In 1970, she met and married another doctor called Henry, a union that resulted in the birth of their beloved daughter - me! - five years later. My father sadly developed cancer and died in 1981, leaving Ruby a single working mother. Not that it was a problem, of course. She was fiercely independent and very, very smart. The problem arose when she was offered a better position the other side of America, in Seattle. She took it, more money and less hours was a no brainer at the time. But Seattle had something dark and foreboding lurking in its midst. Unbeknown to Ruby..."

  "Oh get to the point, will you," said a woman's impatient voice from the shadows.

  December jumped so far that she fell off the bed.

  "Oh my dear, I'm so sorry, I certainly didn't mean to startle you, but your mother... honestly, she should have been an author the way she rattles off these long and rather boring stories. The whole point of the story was to tell young December here about who killed me. Are yo
u going to get to the point or shall I?"

  Moira stooped down and helped pull December up off the floor.

  "Mother... must you scare your grand-daughter like that?"

  "Well, I did apologise. I am sorry, my dear," said the voice out of nowhere.

  "Mother... show yourself. December can hear you now, she may as well see you too."

  The blurry image of a woman began to appear from behind the tall white table, slowly becoming a slender and glamorous looking figure with fiery red hair. A family trait.

  Although the image remained somewhat translucent, December could easily make out the hazel green eyes and cheeky smile that was etched on her thin pale face.

  "Here I am. Is that better, dear? Let me introduce myself. My name is Ruby and I'm your grandmother. I'd shake your hand and give you a hug but it's not really possible," and she demonstrated as her slender hand trailed through the air, straight through December's own.

  Speechless yet again, she felt a cold chill and shivered.

  "Mother please don't do that, it's actually really very cold when you try to touch us. December I'm sorry about my mother. I thought she was going to wait until you were more prepared until she revealed herself to you. Are you all right?"

  December nodded mutely and tried to smile.

  "Why don't I continue the story, dear?" said Ruby.

  Not waiting for an answer, she carried on where her daughter had so rudely been interrupted.

  "Seattle had its own coven of witches at the time. Not just any old coven, mind you. This was a particularly bad one, but they weren't really my problem. My problem was the fact that these witches summoned the magic of all kinds to the city. The hospital began to overflow with victims of all manner of attacks. Some people were savaged so badly that they were impossible to identify... many were attacked by werewolves, others by vampires. Some had just got in the middle of the age old fight between the wolves and the vamps. It became more and more difficult for me to hide the truth from the world. You see, I don't know if Moira has told you but we do have to keep so many things a secret, you know. If it got out that the world is full of supernatural beings, goodness knows what it would cause. Mass hysteria, for starters. Now, where was I? Oh yes, all those victims." She shook her head sadly, before continuing, "Well, there was a particularly bad egg tied up in all of this. He was a vampire. Hundreds and hundreds of years old, naturally. What was his name? Hm, let me think."

  Moira and December stole a glance at each other as the glamorous dead lady began to think out loud, "Joseph? no, it wasn't that. Harold? Nope. Frederick? Nah. Hm?? Oliver? No... Oh I remember... Duran. His first name was Olivier but everybody called him Duran, for some reason. He was French. Very handsome, of course. Quite the charmer, too. But my goodness, quite the murderer. Dreadful, dreadful. Where was I? Ah, yes. Duran had committed all these murders in the city and on the outskirts too. Soon the killings calmed down a little and I assumed he had been killed or had left our shores. I was wrong, of course. The reason why it had all quietened down? Because he'd been busy with one of the witches. What was her name..."

  "Mother... the name isn't important!" said Moira in an attempt to get her to continue.

  "Well, I suppose not. It'll come to me. Anyway, Duran and whatsherface were creating their own little 'family'. They'd snatched a couple of adorable fourteen year old innocent-looking twin girls and a few other boys who were around eighteen, I believe. All were made to drink his blood and made into vampires. Soon the children were on a rampage and the place they'd chosen to have their fun? My hospital. I was on duty that night when I walked into one of the rooms. It was like hell on earth. There was blood everywhere. It was the girls I'd bumped into and I still remember their faces as I walked right in on them. The bloodlust was so intense, I've never seen anything quite like it. They pounced and tried to feed off me, naturally, but my witch's blood repelled them. I had no choice but to stop them and the only way I could stop them was to... was to... kill them," a look of complete horror washed over her face as she recalled the single event that eventually led to her own demise.

  "I knew how to kill the vamps. I'm a witch, of course I know how to kill them. So I first grabbed the silver knife that I always used to carry in my doctor's coat - you should always carry a silver knife with you, you know, just in case - and I stabbed them both with it, just to subdue them, you understand. A single stab wound from a silver knife won't necessarily kill them. Then I found something larger (I won't go into all the gory details) and stabbed them both through the heart. Completely and utterly dead. But I wasn't cautious enough and just as I'd killed the second one, their 'brother' walked in and witnessed it all. He tried to attack me but it didn't work of course, because of my blood, etc. He escaped and ran to daddy I suppose. Duran. I knew they'd be after us so I rushed home as quick as I could and I whisked Moira away from there and ran. We travelled all across the States before he eventually found me a few years later. I dropped my guard. I thought I was safe and then BAM... he and his missus... I still can't quite remember her name... they got me. See?" she said as she almost proudly turned to reveal a massive scar that ran the length of her spine.

  December shivered at the thought of the pain it must have caused.

  "It wasn't just any old stab wound, of course. They'd poisoned the tip of the dagger to make it hurt. And it certainly did hurt. When Moira returned from college, she found me lying there in a pool of my own blood. Slowly dying a long, painful, drawn out death."

  "Less of the theatrics mother, we get the picture," said Moira who was visibly uncomfortable at the most horrendous memory of her life.

  "Sorry, darling. I'm just glad we got to spend my last few moments together that's all," she smiled sadly.

  "Last few moments? Mother you've barely left my side since you died. The only time I ever had any peace were those brief days I spent with December and her father in England."

  Finally December opened her mouth to speak, "I... I don't understand," was all she could muster.

  "Why I'm still here?"

  December nodded.

  "Remember I told you the tip of the dagger was poisonous? Genius, really. It was poisoned and cursed so that I would be doomed to walk the walk in the afterlife, no heaven for me... doomed to be stuck right here, like this, blah, blah, blah. You get the picture?"

  Surprised, December nodded once more.

  "I suppose now you must completely understand why your mother had to leave you in the safety of London with that awful aunt of yours. What was her name...erm?"

  "Penelope," answered mother and daughter in unison.

  December understood perfectly. She had been protected from the evils of the Seattle witches, vampires, werewolves and most of all from having to live with the ghost of her dead grandmother.


  Panting, Lilly made it to the back door and pounded as hard as she could. Come on Rose, answer the door, she thought. But there was no answer. Rose wasn't home.

  Turning, she tried to catch sight of what or who was following her but she could see nothing. Her eyes scanned towards the pathway that she had walked along, there was a tree to its side. A tree so large that it could easily hide anyone not wanting to be seen.

  Scully, who was still by her side, continued to hiss and growl loudly. Whatever or whoever it was, it was still there and Scully was not happy about it.

  Lilly thought about transforming, but figured the safest thing to do was to get in the house and call for help. She knew where Rose kept a spare front door key so she took a second to catch her breath and dashed around the side of the house until she reached the large pot containing a single sad looking hydrangea. Lifting it, she spotted the key and lifted it with shaky fingers. Whatever or whoever it was, was in no rush to get to her, as she finally unlocked the door and rushed inside, making sure Scully was safely indoors before she slammed the door and locked it behind her. With her back to the door, she slid down it and quickly took the cell phone from her
pocket. Dialling the number for Carmelo, she waited for a reply.

  "Lilly?" he said.

  Panting, she whispered, "I'm at Rose's. Come quickly. Someone followed me. I can't see who or what it is but I'm pretty scared. The cats are pretty spooked too."

  Just a few minutes later, she could hear the voices of Carmelo and her cousin. Peering out of the window next to the front door, she spotted him and Jo moving like the wind to get to her as fast as physically possible.

  "You check on Lilly. I'll have a look around," said his deep voice.

  Lilly carefully opened the door, relief clouding her face.

  "My God, I'm so glad you're okay," said Jo as she ushered her back inside and shut the door.

  "Now tell me... what happened?"

  A few minutes later, Carmelo gently tapped on the door. They opened it and he walked in and looked down at her. "You okay?" he asked.

  Nodding, he helped her off the floor before they walked towards the kitchen. Jo called Rose on the phone and explained what was happening.

  As they sat with a hot cup of tea in their cold hands, Carmelo told Lilly that she was right, there had been somebody there. A vampire. But he had made a very hasty escape before they'd arrived. Carmelo was sure the vampire was just trying to scare her.

  "But why?" she asked.

  "I'm afraid I can't answer that. Why the other attacks? At the moment, I don't have the answers. I wish I did. We need to find out who is responsible."

  Lilly's phone rang. Looking down she saw it was Meredith.

  "Lilly? Are you all right? I sensed fear, so much fear from you. I tried calling straight away but there was no signal on that damn cell."

  Lilly smiled and reassured her aunt that she was fine. After Lilly had explained what had happened, Meredith told them to stay at Rose's and that the rest of the family would join them as soon as possible.

  Sure enough, a short while later, the whole family arrived, Rose included. They brought with them plenty of provisions so they could all eat well that night. Once darkness had fallen, Sammy joined the gang too.